During the past semester, I had a big project to do in VHDL: the aim was to code the encryption part of the IDEA on a Spartan board. In simpler words, I had to program a flat electronic thing to make it able to encrypt data. 🙂 It was a good project, but a little bit useless, as it is not usable in everyday life (do you have a Spartan board with you?). That’s why I decided to reimplement it on my computer, in C.

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Internet Explorer, or Internet Exploder?

Internet Explorer is only good for downloading other browsers.

Maybe you know this sentence, or you’ve heard it somewhere? The fact is, even the total newbies in web technologies heard about the really bad reputation of the Microsoft Windows’ browser, the famous Internet Explorer. It must be admitted that the browser used to have really poor performances and a lot of compatibility issues with the web standards. But everything changed in 2011, with the incoming of the 9th version. And since then, Microsoft tries really hard to improve its image:


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The bottom of Lena

Still in the exam period… The next one is called “Multi-dimensional Digital Signal Processing”. It’s not as boring as it seems to be 🙂 , actually there are some pretty nice applications. But I have been studying image processing for a long time, both in France and in Germany, and the only thing I’m sure to always remember is this image:


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The magic coffee transformation

I ask you the question: “Are you a programmer?”. And from here, I can already hear a lot of “NO” and a lot of “YES”, only honest and spontaneous answers. But wait! What is a programmer? Well, here is the basic definition:

A programmer is an ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.

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Get drunk, but not too much.

Ok, now it’s exams time in Germany (and probably not only in Germany). That implies two things. One, I don’t have the time to write long articles for now. And two, I am looking for every possible way to improve my efficiency at programming. Today, I discovered this simple trick: Alcohol. Read More…