Tag Archive | game

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

Good surprise on Thursday night! I finish my working day, go back to my room (just 10m from there), reset my Wi-Fi connection, check my e-mails, and what do I see?


A newsletter from Uber Entertainment, telling me that the stand-alone expansion of Planetary Annihilation was just released. Wait, what expansion? I never heard anything about it before, and it appears that I was not the only one. A nice surprise, then!

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PacMan is now online!

Hey, my PacMan game just came up to IKTurm! Now you can enjoy the most famous arcade game in the world. You can even create your own maps or play at the speed of the light!

You can find the game here: https://ikturm.wordpress.com/projects-2/old-projects/pacman/

Play well, and don’t forget to come back to say what you think!