The magic coffee transformation

I ask you the question: “Are you a programmer?”. And from here, I can already hear a lot of “NO” and a lot of “YES”, only honest and spontaneous answers. But wait! What is a programmer? Well, here is the basic definition:

A programmer is an ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.

I must admit that this is a very accurate definition. I would like to provide more information, but unfortunately programmers are a recent discovery, and even today we don’t know exactly how the transformation is done. This is a very complex process. It can be summarized by the following schema:


An even more recent discovery has shown that a similar process can be used in order to use pizzas instead of caffein. Concretely, that means that even if you don’t drink coffee – like me, you can still produce code. In this case, you’re not a “Programmer”, but what we call a PICO system: Pizza In, Code Out. We also use the term “Ninja Turtle”, or to be more specific, “Donatello”.

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