Tag Archive | program


During the past semester, I had a big project to do in VHDL: the aim was to code the encryption part of the IDEA on a Spartan board. In simpler words, I had to program a flat electronic thing to make it able to encrypt data. 🙂 It was a good project, but a little bit useless, as it is not usable in everyday life (do you have a Spartan board with you?). That’s why I decided to reimplement it on my computer, in C.

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EquaminatorCMD is updated!

My big command-line calculator just got an upgrade! Actually, this is not very important stuff. I just added two functions I needed for my secret awesome project. EquaminatorCMD was useful to test the correctness of the implementation. The two functions are described below:

  • eig() computes the eigenvalues decomposition of a real symmetric matrix
  • svd() computes the singular values decomposition of any real matrix

And I also added useful matrix functions like trsp(), which computes the transpose, and tr(), which computes the trace. This was indeed a big lack in the matrix manipulation core…

Enjoy, test, and comment!

[PS: The project is still here: https://ikturm.wordpress.com/projects-2/current-projects/equaminatorcmd/]

The OCR Project is updated!

Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted something. I actually have a lot of work (incredible, I’m supposed to be an Erasmus student!). Anyway, I worked recently on the OCR Project, in order to add some functionalities! Now you can search a word in the letters grid. Because I was tired to try to check manually the results…

You can find the project here, it didn’t move: https://ikturm.wordpress.com/projects-2/current-projects/the-ocr-project/

Try and comment! 🙂

The OCR Project is now online!

My Optical Character Recognition Project is now online on IKTurm! This is an interesting project which is not very developed yet, but which is able to recognize letters from image in hidden words grids. Moreover, it is a base for the development of a Graphics Library with the SDL, so you will find a pretty sophisticated interface!

You can see and download the project here: https://ikturm.wordpress.com/projects-2/current-projects/the-ocr-project/

Don’t hesitate to try and comment!

EquaminatorCMD is now online!

My mathematic parser “EquaminatorCMD” is now available on IKTurm. It’s a very powerful program in command line which is able to analyse character strings to make mathematic operations with complex numbers, functions, matrices…

You can find it here: https://ikturm.wordpress.com/projects-2/current-projects/equaminatorcmd/

Don’t hesitate to let comments, remarks, etc.!