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To stream or not to stream?

Is streaming legal in Germany?

That’s what I hear / read almost every day now. Why in Germany? Well, because I live there of course, but also because new incomers might have heard about the strong policy Germany adopted against illegal downloads. That thing can frighten you, your family, your cat and even your grandmother. Especially if you come from France, where Hadopi nicely warns you twice before repressing. So I can understand the question.


Legal or not?

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Just relax…

Sometimes, you have to take a break. You probably spend most of your time on a computer – or I don’t know how you arrived on this blog. But today it doesn’t work, you just lost your work thanks to a BSoD, or there is this new program which seems designed in order to make you angry, or the internet connection suddenly became slower than a snail on crutches, or you are just tired of looking at this screen 9 hours a day. In this case (and many others), a simple solution exists: just do nothing for two minutes. You are lucky, a website was designed to help you…


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Get drunk, but not too much.

Ok, now it’s exams time in Germany (and probably not only in Germany). That implies two things. One, I don’t have the time to write long articles for now. And two, I am looking for every possible way to improve my efficiency at programming. Today, I discovered this simple trick: Alcohol. Read More…

Understand the Web: Basic (but useful) tips – Part 1

In my last (and first) post, I wished you a safe travel in the IT world, remember? For most of you, the IT world is the worldwide web, and unfortunately, sometimes it is not a very safe place. You already know that, but between hoaxes, received ideas, rumors and disinformation, it’s easy to become careless and paranoiac at the same time. Well, this new post will try to teach you some tricks to survive out there. Read More…

WPS Flaw: Why is your Wi-fi network easy to hack

Hello everyone! This is the first time I publish something not related to my own projects on this blog, but I think this time it worths it! Today’s concern is about the security of your Wi-fi network. But even if you don’t have one, you can stay, it’s very interesting anyway. 🙂 Read More…