The OCR Project

OCR Project - LogoThe OCR Project stands for Optical Character Recognition Project. Indeed, the ultimate aim of this project is to be able to recognize text from images. Because this is a very large topic, I decided to focus on the recognition of hidden words grids like this one. The C program will have to be able to recognize the letters and to search for known words. Currently, it works pretty well only if there is no frame around the grid. You can try with the essai2.PNG file provided. This project is also a base for the development of a Graphics Library for the SDL, so the interface is… sophisticated.

Basic information:

  • Last version: 0.1.1 beta (May 23rd, 2013)
  • Operating systems: In theory all standard systems, but tested only under Windows Vista
  • Language: English
  • License:  GNU GPL v2.0 (please read this page carefully)

Well-known bugs:

A lot! This program is totally experimental and not ready for release. So don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work correctly with some images, or if it crashes (rare however).




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