
filesXCopy is a software I designed when my OS was still Windows XP. Have you ever met with this problem? When you make a big files copy, it starts, and then, when it has a problem (files with the same name for example), it stops and asks you if you want to continue. But at this moment you’re not in front of your computer, so when you come back, no work is done… Aaaaaah! So, this program is made to manage this kind of operation. But it has other functionalities, for example it can also encrypt your files or protect them against modification or deletion!

Basic information:

  • Last version: 0.1.0 bêta (July 9th, 2009) (Updated for Code::Blocks and Windows Vista on May 8th, 2013)
  • Operating systems: Windows XP and Vista, and later in theory
  • Language: French
  • License:  GNU GPL v2.0 (please read this page carefully)

Well-known bug:

Be VERY CAREFUL with this software. I made it a long time ago and I cannot exactly remember what the bugs are. But this a files manipulation program, so the consequences could be important. I cannot be held responsible for the possible damage…





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