Legal notices


This website was built and is administrated by Quoc-Nam Dessoulles, currently student at both Télécom Bretagne and the Technische Universität München, and currently living in Munich, Germany.


General warning

The author of this website tries to provide accurate information and efficient help to its users. Despite of the efforts made in this direction, it cannot be guaranteed that there is neither incorrect or obsolete information, nor malfunctioning program. You can only use what you will find here at you own risk.
You can send any suggestion to this email address:

Comments published by users

This website allows non-registered users to post comments as reaction to some publications. Those comments are generally moderated, but in all cases, they do not reflect the thinking of the author, and they only involve the responsibility of their respective author. You cannot hold the website or its author responsible for the content published by this way.


Please see the License page.

Personal data

This website does not automatically collect any of your personal information (as far as I know – you should probably also read the WordPress confidentiality policy). You can only be asked for personal information through forms, that you will always freely fill. This kind of information can be necessary to access some services (for example, your email address will be asked if you want to post a comment). However, it will never be shared with third-parties, and will be visible only if you want to. Moreover, you can delete at any time the information you gave to this website, but be aware that it could stop some services provided by this website.
According to the french law “Informatique et Liberté” of the January 6th, 1978, you have a right of access and modification to any information which is directly related to you, in order to exercise it, please send an email to the following address:

Statistic data

This website might indirectly collect some non personal data in order to draw statistics about the website frequenting. This data is collected only for an information purpose, and will never be sent to a third-party by this website. However, this data is collected and stored by WordPress, and the author cannot be held responsible neither for the security of this data, nor for the way WordPress could use it.

Outgoing links

As previously mentioned, the author makes everything to provide reliable content to the users of his website. However, he cannot be held responsible neither for the content to which you could be sent by hyperlinks published on the website, nor for the changes which could be brought to this content.