
So, what about this website?

There are not a lot of things to say about it, actually. What I can tell you is that this is a WordPress blog I decided to build in order to share my ICT-related projects. It was built on April 21st, 2013, and is in trial period since April 29th. Its name comes first from German, IKT (Information- und KommunicationTechnologie) is the equivalent of ICT, and “Turm” means “tower”. But this is also an acronym, and you can find its meaning at the top of this page!


How does it work?

The principle is simple: each time I publish or update a project, I also publish a post related to the project. All projects (the last main version and sometimes older or alternative versions) can be found on the Projects page. They are separated into two categories, one for the Current Projects, on which I am still working, and the Old Projects, which will normally not evolve anymore. Of course, I can also publish posts for another reasons, like a special event I want to talk about, or some useful tip I just discovered and that I want to share.

Further information (legal stuff…) is available here:

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