Tag Archive | programmer

How to talk to programmers

Some days ago, I found this image on the web:


Wow, someone who really understood programmers. That’s pretty rare! I particularly like the points 3, 5, and 8… Of course…  🙂

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The ultimate tool

Some weeks ago, I explained you what was a programmer: an ingenious device which turns coffee into code. A very useful device actually, but which suffers from a very important issue: in order to produce code, it needs coffee, and it is unable to produce it by himself. Consequently, it must use alternative solutions like a coffee-maker, which often implies going back and forth to the machine and thus decreasing the productivity. Fortunately, engineers designed a very handy solution: the computer coffee-maker!


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The magic coffee transformation

I ask you the question: “Are you a programmer?”. And from here, I can already hear a lot of “NO” and a lot of “YES”, only honest and spontaneous answers. But wait! What is a programmer? Well, here is the basic definition:

A programmer is an ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.

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